Following and due to the success of the 1997 '30 Year Reunion' we decided it would be a good idea for old scholars to stay in touch and hold future functions.

For those who came and wandered through the corridors of Riverside High and later attended the get together at the TRC Hotel I'm sure from all reports, everyone, had a wonderful evening.

Meeting at the door of Mr Walkers office at 6.00pm at the School was very exciting. People started to arrive and the guessing game was on. Some had not changed, even after 30 years, while others were slightly (to say the least) a little hard to recognise. It was great to see how well we were all received by each other. Mr Fagan, the Headmaster at the time, addressed us all and produced Year Books to prove we were not forgotten. The prefects then showed us through the school.

Back at the TRC Hotel after Champagne, we all had a great time catching up on 30 years. The evening was quite informal to allow people all the time they needed to talk. Lots of photographs were taken so if anyone has some they would like to share please send them to me. The odd hat and school blazer, kept in immaculate condition, were worn.

Some members of staff joined us, which was good to see.

At approximately 11.00 pm Mr Walker led us all in singing the school song.
The years may come and go but we recall the day, we sought in youth the light of truth to lead us on our way…. The evening wound up at approx. 2.00 am but I understand a few stayed until 5 (no names mentioned). Laughs were the order of the entire evening!

Since that evening we have been asked for addresses of students not present, so we have decided, since we intend to hold future functions and therefore need to update and maintain our database, to take advantage of current technology and establish a Website.

We ask that, if you are interested, please logon and fill out the form provided. The information will be available in the database to all, as a form of "keeping in touch" or communication for future reunions etc. Any information you may feel uncomfortable about, need not be completed. You are the only person able to amend your details as you will be required to register and provide a password for your own use. You will of course be able to search or view all entries.

That's all for now, look forward to seeing your entries on the Website.
